Monday, May 2, 2011

Project Priorities

Andrew and I made our first major purchase as a married couple over the weekend.  We purchased a washer and a dryer!  And I must say, it felt AWFUL spending so much money once.  But I CANNOT WAIT to wash everything we own!  I realized today that I have never had my own washer and dryer! 

Here are three very do-able and cute crafts that I would love to incorporate into our new home!

This key rack would be a great addition to any laundry room.  Thank you, Martha Stewart!

Here are the step-by-step instructions you will need for this project.

Here is an adorable wipe off weekly menu board.  Unfortunately, I do not plan out weekly menus (though I probably should), so I would probably just use the board as a place to leave daily notes for Andrew, or reminders for myself.  Step-by-step instructions are provided, but you don't really need them.  All you really need is a 12x12 frame, a 12x12 piece of scrapbook paper, and a dry erase marker!  It doesn't get much easier than that!

I LOVE mason jars!  And this is a great idea.  This project is a little more complicated than the previous two, but the instructions are understandable, and break the project down into manageable pieces.   I think this rack would be perfect for the entry way in our new house!   :) 

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