Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Silent Servant

Acrostic: noun. a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word, or words.

Acrostics are great. They are quick, but still effective. They are short and to the point, but still cover all the bases. They are easy to write, as well as easy to read. They are the poem for those of us who cannot write poetry, and they are the poem for those of us who do not have the attentions spans or intelligence necessary to adequately read and understand a "real" poem!

Thus, I often utilize acrostics when I do not quite feel up to writing actual sentences of thoughts; when even the idea of writing a complete paragraph makes me literally want to sob; when it has been a long week and I really just want to go to sleep, but I have that one little thing I feel like must be said before my mind can rest at ease. Times such as these are what acrostics were made for. These times are their chances to shine!

So, thank you, Acrostic. You have allowed me to write, and to still get some sleep. You have allowed me to write, get some sleep, and not wake up with eyes that are puffy from crying over horribly disconnected paragraphs. You have allowed me to effectively express feelings and thoughts without spending hours pouring over pen and paper. In some instances, you have allowed me to effectively express feelings and thoughts without actually writing even one complete sentence.

You have served me well, in spite of often being overlooked or forgotten. For your humble service to the literary world, and for your humble service to me, I thank you.

P.S- Along with my thank-you, I would like to extend to you an apology. I apologize for my complete misuse of you, and for my ignorance of how to employ you correctly. Maybe one day I will learn how to write you in the proper manner; for that is the manner in which you deserve to be written. But until that day comes, thank you for your understanding.

This picture, from Real Simple, has virtually nothing to do with this post; I just liked it, and thought you might too!

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