Saturday, June 19, 2010

Words for the Weekend

Courtesy of several sweet souls who gave me money recently for my birthday, I took myself purse shopping today. Only minutes into my purse search, I began to have a difficult time focusing just on purses. My eyes were darting to racks of clothing that I did not need; my feet began walking automatically to the shoe section. And I found myself doubly tempted, because everything seemed to be on sale.

At first, I was baffled by my spastic movements, and my grabbing hands. Then I realized something: Until today, I had not been shopping for anything non-wedding-related in months. Reason being? An unaccommodating budget, both time-wise, and money-wise. Even my perpetual window shopping had gone by the wayside!

I have always considered myself to be fairly stylish; however, I have fallen behind! In the midst of adjust to a new job, getting used to having bills to pay, and planning a wedding, I have forgotten some of the things I used to love.

Scrapbooking. (I am disgustingly behind...)

Reading. (I used to read chapter after chapter after chapter before falling asleep each night; now I am lucky to make it through a paragraph or two before drifting off to dreamland!)

from here

Shopping. (Which generally consists of people watching, browsing, trying on, brainstorming, and leaving on the rack outside the dressing room.)

Goodwill (or any thrift store) hunting. (One of my favorite stress relievers!)

Cleaning. (I so enjoy the feeling of knowing where everything is and exactly what condition it is in!)

Closet Shopping (Sadly enough, I have been rolling out of bed in the mornings and throwing things mindlessly on my body, only paying attention to whether I am appropriately covered).

And, something I would really like to invest more time into? Blogging... I would really like to get good at it!

This picture comes from one of my favorite blogs. Each time I read one of Emily's posts, I feel like she is giving me a little peek into the window of her life. And if you know me, you know how much I adore listening to, knowing about, and watching, people and things which I have no business listening to, knowing about, or watching! Emily makes a living doing what she loves to do: blogging, taking pictures, shopping, traveling, and living her life.

I love my job. But there are days when I cannot help but think I would rather be doing something else: something creative; something that inspires me; something colorful; something that inspires others; something hands on.

But then I look at pictures, and meet people, like this:

from here

And I suddenly remember why it is that I do what I do.

The last years of a person's life are precious. Those last moments can be so sweet.

Social work is creative and hands-on in its own way. Social workers bring to light possibilities that people did not know existed. They make referrals. They make connections. They make changes. They make time. They make room. They make allowances. They make notes. They make phone calls. They make a difference. So in its own way, social work is a creative entity.

By the way, you can click here to see the purse I finally decided on. :)

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