Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012: Stuff I have Made So Far

Last week I posted a few of the organization tricks that we plan on implementing into our home, but left to head to yoga before finishing the post.  So, are the last little bit of my organization attempts thus far:

Thanks to the original ideas, which you can find here and here, I made these two things for the front of our refrigerator.  We seem to have pens strewn about random places in the house, yet when we need them, we cannot find them.  This tin can seems to be doing the trick so far.  We know exactly where our pens are now!
And we are using the clipboard to help us keep a running grocery list.  It is so much easier to keep track of what we need when the pens and the list are so handy!
The original post of the clipboard, which you have probably already seen on Pinterest, suggests making and giving the clipboard as a gift.  I will definitely be doing that this year since our finances will be especially tight in 2012... now that Andrew is going back to school!  (:  The project is ALMOST free.  I had to purchase the clipboard, which was exactly one dollar plus tax.  Already had the magnets, ribbon, button, Mod Podge, and scrapbook paper.

The next project was kind of a combination of this idea and this one.  The two came together to make this:

 And this project was also free!

 All you need is an empty container like this one, scrapbook paper, and ribbon.  Stickers are optional, but I think they add a special touch.  (:
This wreath is obviously not useful for organizing purposes, but I had to come up with something to replace our Christmas wreath.  I used hot glue, buttons, felt, ribbon, a wooden "A," and a plain wreath.  The wreath cost $4 at JoAnn's, the "A" was $2, and I already had the other materials. 

The wreath needed a friend, so I made a matching "Welcome" sign!

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