Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Salutes

As Andrew and I are preparing to close on our new house, I definitely have decorating on the brain.  So it is no surprise that I am giving a salute to decor8, for the post on 8 Ideas to Spruce Up Your Space.  The ideas are totally practical, and make decluttering and redecorating seem more doable and less daunting.

I have a friend who is a WONDERFUL crafter. She can do everything from sewing to knitting to cooking... and anything in between. She also recently started a blog chronicling all of her crafting and homemaking adventures.  She has even provided a few tutorials for those of you who may actually be proficient enough at sewing to follow along with her.  Unfortunately, I am NOT.

Here is a list of reasons everyone should own a pet!  P.S- Did you know that elephants have the longest memories of any animal?
For those of us who just LOVE words, here is an online rhyming dictionary that is super duper fun if you have a few minutes of downtime to kill at work one day!  And if that's not quite enough for you, here is a synonym finder!

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

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