Friday, March 4, 2011

My 100th Post!!!!

It is Friday!!!!  YIPPEE!!!

Here is a sweet (or, perhaps I should say, "salty,") treat for your Friday. 

From 2-4pm, Chic Fil A is giving out FREE FRIES!!!! It is free french fry Friday!  No coupons necessary.  There is only one small catch... You have to go in and mention their new ketchup, which allows you to dunk your fries into the packet instead of squeeze the ketchup out of the packets.  I prefer the squeezable packets; old habits die hard I guess. 

My theory is that free is good.  But anything free tastes even better on a Friday!!! Now, if they would only throw in a free banana pudding shake....   :) 

And, on a more serious note, here is something that is tasty in an altogether different way; a little something to chew on this weekend as you are going about your normal, every weekend life.  It may change the way you behave when you think no one is looking.  I got this from the Upper Room blog. 

“MOMMY, MOMMY! IT’S JESUS!” I remember it like it was yesterday. I stood in the aisle at the grocery store with my dad and my young brother as a stunned little boy proclaimed loudly enough for the whole store to hear that my dad was Jesus. Now, Dad was his pastor and was the one who told him the stories of Jesus during children’s time. Dad had baptized this boy, and Dad even wore a long robe on Sundays — just like the pictures of Jesus on his Sunday school class walls.

How could the child mistake his pastor for Jesus? This child had taken what he knew to be true about Jesus and translated it into something that made sense to him.

…Today I challenge you to stand in amazement as “eyewitnesses” to the majesty of Christ. Take what you know to be true about Jesus and translate it for your own living. Honor God with your life, your time, your thoughts, and your gifts. Share the glory of the Beloved Son with those around you. Perhaps one day you too might be mistaken for Jesus!

From “Eyewitnesses to Majesty,” by Jasmine Rose Smothers, page 74 in The Upper Room Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions. Copyright & copy; 2010 by Upper Room Books. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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