Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things I Love

I am working on an alphabet book for my two year old niece to give her as a Christmas present.  The plan is to make a book with a letter on one page, and with a Bible verse that corresponds with each letter on each adjacent page.  I am VERY excited about it.  The biggest problem I have run into so far is deciding which verses to put with each letter... There are so many good ones to pick from!  The second biggest problem is pesky old "X."  Don't even get me started...

Anyway, that little project has had my wheels turning about what other things I can put with letters of the alphabet.  All sorts of things came to mind, but "26 Things I Love" was the easiest.  And since it's late, and I have been on my feet and working all day, I thought this would be a fun, simple way to unwind!!!

So, these are 26 things I love (with a few extras sprinkled in here and there): 

Andrew!!!! That was an easy one...
Baking... in moderation.
Crafting... painting, paper-crafting, decorating, wreath-making... the list goes on. There are more ideas in my head than I know what to do with!
Drinking coffee in the morning, in the peaceful quiet, and topping it off with a nice walk, before the noise of the day begins.
Eating healthily.  I should do this more often, because I always feel so good when I do.
Finding spare change in my car... or in the couch... or anywhere... and then using it on a Sonic drink!
Going to bed early.  This is pathetic, but it is true!
Having a productive day at work... the kind that make getting out of bed at 5am seem well-worth it.
Ice cold Diet Coke!  It is almost always my drink of choice!
Journaling... something I have not done nearly as much as I should lately...
Keeping the bed made.  Somehow, it makes the whole house seem cleaner. 
Learning!  We should all learn something every day!  And I love lists!  (: 
My dad.  He will always be the greatest man I know.
Nail polish... So many colors, so few fingers!
Opening presents... slowly... I love the sense of anticipation!
People.  I love them and I love helping them.  And I love having a job that lets me watch people begin to help themselves.... I also love "PLANNING...." Planning anything!
Quiet evenings with a good book.  Or a Real Simple magazine.  Or quiet evenings with nothing.  I just love quiet every now and then!
Re-watching old home videos.  I love feeling nostalgic.   And as much as I love them, they always make me want to cry!
Spending time with my husband.  It doesn't usually matter what we do... it is always fun!
Talking to my mom... on the phone or in person!
Unexpected gifts... given or received.
Very love baths after very long days...
Writing.  I have always loved writing... pretty much anything.  I even liked writing research papers in school. Strange...
X-tracts... Okay, EXTRACTS... vanilla, almond... those are my favorites for baking with.
Yellow!!! I also love yoga... Cannot decide which I like better!
Zoos.  Yes, it was the first word that came to mind that starts with "z," but I truly do love going to the zoo.  Honest.

What are 26 things YOU love?!

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