Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coupon Clipping Continues

As some of you may know, I have gone a little coupon crazy lately.

And the mania continues.

McDonald's has, of course, any size drink for one dollar. Andrew and I go there on days when we eat lunch together. We have actually developed a pretty neat little system. We pack our own lunches. We park in the McDonald's parking lot. He runs in and buys two large drinks (although, if you wanted to be really thrifty, you could buy one drink and share it between two people. But therein lies this problem: Andrew loves sweet tea; it makes me want to throw up.) We sit in our car, in the parking lot, and eat our packed lunches. Then, when we have finished our lunch, and before we leave the parking lot, Andrew goes back into McDonald's and gets refills for each of us. Cheating the system? Possibly. Slightly.

I say all of that to say this: This week, if you purchase a drink from McDonald's, there is a sticker attached to the cup. The sticker is good for either a free 12 oz fruit smoothie, or a free 12 oz frappe. Andrew and I each got a drink; thus, we received two coupons.

The deals do not stop there. I discovered a wonderful blog that offers free printable coupons. The author posts anywhere from two to ten or more coupons each day. I have discovered something about these coupons though. If you print and use coupons ONLY for things you would need to purchase anyway, with or without a coupon, then the coupons truly do save you money. But if you tend to purchase items simply because you have a coupon for those items, then this blog might be a deathtrap for you.

So, before clicking here, consider yourself warned.

Speaking of discovering new blogs, here are some photos from a blog that is new to me! I stumbled upon it recently, and love Kate's taste. She provides inspiration, tutorials on DIY projects, step- by- step pictures, and before and after shots!

Enjoy your Wednesday.

Have a smoothie.

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