Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fabric Frenzy

A co-worker of mine brought me a HUGE bag of fabric recently.  She sews (she is actually a great seamstress), and was willing to part with many of her leftover fabric scraps!  I am LOVING IT!  She has wonderful taste, so all the fabric is absolutely adorable.  I am trying to save the bigger pieces of fabric for some bigger projects that Mom and I have up our sleeves (down the road, so do not hold your breath), but in the meantime, here is a little taste of our fabric creations: 

And speaking of fabric, sewing, and whatnot...

"You hem me in behind and before,
And You lay your hand upon me."
-Psalm 139:5

And if you see something you like, please head over to our Etsy store to order!

1 comment:

sayitbarberry said...

These all look soooo cute! If I end up having a girl, I'm totally ordering a cute cloth headband for her!