Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Down

Well, I successfully completed two of my five fall recipes over the past week.  And both were delicious.  Both were also incredibly easy. 

I made the baked oatmeal from Brown Eyed Baker, and halved the recipe exactly.  It was a little too much for me to eat all alone and all at once, so next time I make it I will half it once more.  Not to worry though... Lady helped me with the leftovers this time!  The only changes I made were in order to make it gluten and dairy free.  I replaced real milk with almond milk, and butter with a substitute. 

And also from Brown Eyed Baker, I made her sweet potato fries.  These were so good the first time that I actually made them for a second time yesterday!  They are simple, filling, healthy, and tasty.  The first time I made them I went a little nuts with the seasoning.  I added salt, pepper, and garlic salt.  It was a little overkill.  But the second time, I just salted and peppered them lightly.  They turned out perfectly.  I had them with veggies and was full and satisfied afterward! 

Not on the list, and not part of my celiac diet, are these cupcakes I made for a dear friend's birthday.  I cannot speak from firsthand experience, because I did not try them, but from what I hear, these were pretty darn tasty!  They are chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese frosting. 

I got the idea for these from here, but changed them a little according to what I thought the birthday girl would like!  Instead of using white cake mix, I used devil's food.  And for the icing, I went with peanut butter cream cheese as opposed to buttercream. 

Here is what I did for the icing:  

1, 8oz. pkg cream cheese
2tbsp milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 1/2 C powdered sugar.  

Blend the cream cheese and vanilla together.  Gradually add the powdered sugar and milk until completely smooth.  

I kept the cupcakes refrigerated until a few hours before everyone was ready to eat them. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I know a woman with celiac who makes delicious cakes using rice flour. She made a cake for Keegan's bday once and it was great!
