Sunday, July 17, 2011


After about a year and a half of trying my hands and mind at blogging, I have decided to give it a rest for a little while.  Because life gets filled up all to quickly with "to-dos", I feel the need to prioritize and simplify my "to do" list.

I love writing, but school has me doing plenty of writing, so I don't necessarily need the blog for that anymore.

I love journaling; in journals, I am able to open myself up completely, which is not something I can do with the blog.  Since I started Sweet Like Icing, I have journaled less than I ever have before, and I miss it.

I love scrapbooking, and have lots of catching up to do in that department.

Now that we have a house, I am loving having a living room to do yoga in, and a neighborhood to walk Lady in.  The computer takes time away from both of those things.

And I love my husband.  Now that he is home, I want to enjoy the quiet moments I have, without feeling bound to my computer. 

This blog has been instrumental in my life.  It served a purpose and was therapeutic during the time when I needed it.  It helped me process, heal, and grow.  But that season in my life has come to a close, and with it, maybe the same needs to happen with Sweet Like Icing.  

Just as a way of cataloging and recording my own life, I may occasionally post recipes, thoughts, quotes, scripture, arts and crafts projects.... But I can promise nothing consistently.

 "Our choice, then, revolves around not what has happened or will happen to us, but how we will relate to life's turns and circumstances... Will I relate to my life resentfully or gratefully?
Life's losses may be nonnegotiables.  But we have a choice: How do we live these losses?  We are called time and time again to discover God's Spirit at work within our lives, within us, amid even the dark moments.  We are invited to choose life."
-Henri Nouwen (in Turn My Mourning into Dancing)

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