Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pretty for Your Saturday!

This would be so pretty in an entryway/foyer!

I feel certain that there is an easy, do-able version of this wreath! It is definitely going on my "try doing it yourself" list.

For someone (me) with the bad habit of tossing cupcake papers in the cupboard where they inevitable get SMOOSHED, this is a great solution! And a pretty one!

I am in love with the bright, happy colors in the bathroom. It isn't a large room but the abundance of white opens it right up.

It is impossible to point out just one awesome thing about this room. I LOVE the "love" pillow, and the fun ottoman with colorful, dangling pom-poms. And the bookshelf that consumes the whole wall= to die for. And a striped ceiling? Yes, please.

"...Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring one another."  Romans 12:9,10

This is such a neat quote, and I love that it is displayed plainly.  There is nothing extra to distract from the text. 

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