Here is a brief overview of what you have missed over the past week and a half:
The D.C trip was great. We were able to see all of my favorites: The Museum of American History, The Washington Monument, Williamsburg, and The Holocaust Museum. I could have spent days in the Holocaust Museum; however, Andrew's attention span did well to last the few hours that it did :)
I was also able to go some places I had never been before: The National Art Gallery (which was really cool for the first thirty minutes or so, but got a little mundane after that. Of course, I am neither a proficient, knowledgeable, or cultured artist. If I were, I am sure I would have appreciated it more), Ford's Theater (which I completely fell in love with. My biggest complaint is that they only gave visitors thirty minutes in the museum before we had to begin finding seats for an informational speech. I was barely able to see anything in the museum before it was time to leave!), and Arlington. We went to Arlington because Andrew really wanted to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which, I will admit, I had never even heard of until Andrew mentioned it. Strangely enough, it turned out to be one of my favorite sites of the entire trip!
The only thing I would have changed about the trip would have been the weather. If it was not raining, it was cold, and visa versa.... A little inconvenient for tourists who parked their car at the beginning of the trip, with the intention of walking to every destination.
Mind you, we did follow through with our commitment to walk everywhere. We just walked at a less leisurely pace than we would have in more accommodating weather conditions.
Pre- Washington D.C trip I graduated from college.
Post- Washington D.C trip (just yesterday actually) I started my first real job! After Day 2, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed, and more than slightly under-qualified. A man called me today needing a wheelchair, and you would have thought he had asked me to perform open heart surgery on him. That's about how clueless I was! The crisis has been averted for now, and the wheelchair is in the works. Looking on the bright side: At least I was not truly asked to perform open heart surgery on him. Talk about clueless and under-qualified; I would have killed the man. Instead, I am meeting with him tomorrow afternoon. And between now and then, I will be researching every possible affordable wheelchair resource in the area... along with every possible wheelchair funding resource in the area (which might take a bit of creativity). This is the place I where I feel so inept. Others seem to know resources, companies, phone numbers, addresses, and policies, off the top of their heads. I know nothing! I am so ignorant of so many things, and am referring either to written/electronic guides, or to people CONSTANTLY.
Something else that was kind of daunting and intimidating was signing insurance forms, deciding on which packages I wanted, being given a company cell phone, being shown my workspace, and then being let loose. It feels strange not having a professor, or a parent, or someone, to keep in touch with on a regular basis. I do have a supervisor, but our contact will actually be fairly limited. I feel like I am in just a tad over my head. With that being said, though, I am incredibly excited and nervous. I am going to love the job. It is more than I would have dared hope for.
Working makes me sleepy! I have been ready for bed for about the past two hours... So that is where I am headed!
1 comment:
Logan I am so excited for you! I didn't even ask about the trip-I am so sorry!
Nashville General Hospital applies for wheelchairs either through Goodwill or the Cerebral Palsy Institute (or something like that). May be too late for that man, but maybe it will help in the future.
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