My mom and I shopped Saturday morning, and I bought a pair of pretty black heels to wear to Andrew's military ball. Afterward, I had a bit of a sweet tooth that I cured with these adorable cupcakes!
I used this recipe for the vanilla cake, and this one for the vanilla buttercream frosting, but instead of using 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract, I used 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract and 1/4 teaspoon of butter flavoring... The sweeter the better in my opinion!
For the grass, I used flaked coconut mixed with a little green food coloring.
Of course, the bunnies are Peeps marshmallows!
These were really easy, and absolutely delicious! No one in my family likes Peeps, so most people threw them away. But they were still cute to use as decorations. Next time, I may use jelly beans, or chocolate bunnies instead!
Next time may not be until next Easter though, because we have quite the weekend planned next week! Andrew's family is coming into town Thursday, and they are staying until Sunday morning. My grandmother is also coming that same weekend. Plus, my mom planned an Easter egg hunt for the kids at church, so that will occupy most of next Saturday! Not among the least of these things, my dad's birthday is also next weekend! :)
So happy Palm Sunday.
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