Monday, February 21, 2011

Basic Principles

I was reminded over the weekend that there are certain principles Christians should live by.  These principles make room for God to do His work in our lives.  And without these principles, worldly distractions, lusts, and activities choke out the room in our hearts that should be reserved for Christ. And ALL of our heart should be reserved for Christ.

The three principles:  Prayer, time studying the Bible, and fasting.  These things sound so easy and obvious; however, they often get pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists when those lists become filled with our own, human agendas. 

Through an incredible man of God whom I had contact with this weekend, I was reminded that when we spend time in prayer, in the Word, and in fasting, that time is not wasted.  Whatever we invest in Christ is never lost; instead, something is always gained.  Time is not lost when it is committed to Christ.  Through obedience and through the sacrafice of time, something is gained.  Through these three principles we make ourselves available for Christ.  We become vessels at His disposal, for the sake of His cause.  And Christ does not work through people because they are great, or because there is something extra-special about them.  He works through people because they are available.  He works through them because they are seeking.  That is who I want to be. I do not want to be great;  I want to be available. 

Reading of Scripture

With these three principles, I spend a lot of time in prayer and in the scripture last night.  Although I am ashamed to admit it, last night was the first night in quite a while that I have done this.  And in return?  I gained.  I gained peace of mind.  I gained energy that I have not felt in a long time.  And I came across this verse: 

"To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me."  - Colossians 1:29

Paul says that he struggling with all HIS energy.  By "his," he is refering to Jesus Christ.  He struggles in Christ's supernatural strength.  He draws from Christ's energy.  He relies on Christ's power... not on His own.  This is what we are called to do.  We are to live each day dependant upon the power of the Living God, rather than only remembering to turn to that power when we are at the end of our ropes. 

This is what I was convicted of last night.  And I awoke this morning with a renewed spirit, and ready to begin a new week! 

It's gonna be a good one!  Let's all rely on His energy to make us more than conquers this week!

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