After having taken such a hiatus from blogging, this blank screen, just waiting to be typed on, is quite intimidating. There is a lot in my head that I would love to share, but I am struggling to articulate all of those thoughts into actual words.
I think I will start with a list.
To the point.
Here are some things I have done since my last post, in no particular order:
Begun moving into a new apartment.

Watched fireworks with three of my favorite people.

Baked some cakes.

Baked lots of cupcakes.

Ruined even more cupcakes.... It's a long story.
Attempted grilling.
And failed.
Pretty miserably. Not a long story, but a sad one. No pictures.
Decorated cookies.

Did not fail.
Caught up with friends.
Mostly via bridal showers.

Played the travel version of Connect 4 (which I was given at one of the afore mentioned bridal showers), while not actually traveling.
Rescued blackberries from the dark depths of the forest.
And put them into cobbler... A feat that ended up being much more difficult than it sounds, or that it should have been.
Gotten in sync with nature.
That happened while I was in the dark depths of the forest picking blackberries.
Or, more accurately, while I was standing on a path, near the edge of the forest, picking blackberries.
But close enough.
Unfortunately, there is no photographic evidence of this endeavor, as I was much to busy fighting off forest beasts (aka: bugs) to care anything about taking pictures.
There was, at one point, other evidence that blackberries were actually picked; however, said evidence got eaten.
But back to the list.
Finished pre-marital counseling. Thank God.
Started going to a new church, with my soon-to-be-new husband.
Paid more bills than I have ever had to pay before.
And to this, I also say, "Thank you, God," because that means we had money with which to pay bills.
Opened a new savings account.
Been happier than I ever remember being.
And that is saying something, because I am generally a pretty darn happy girl.
Since my job is fairly new, several people have been interested in knowing what I make.
So here goes another list; a list of what I have made so far.
I have made lots of mistakes.
I have made time.
I have made contacts.
I have made friends.
I have made phone calls. Lots of them. Many of which go unanswered and unreturned.
Lots of referrals.
Lots of home visits.
A few hospital visits.
Now, what do I hope to make?
As cliche as it sounds, I hope to make a difference. I hope to make a small, positive impact on the people with whom I come in contact each day. I hope to make their lives a little bit easier, a little bit sweeter.
This is a hope I carry with me, not only in regards to work, but in regards to everyday life... and in regards toevery person that I meet, or live life with, whether I walk past them in the parking lot for a moment, stand behind them in the check out line for three minutes, or come home to them at the end of each day.
I want to make people feel significant.
Because they are.
Have a happy weekend.