Deciding against going to grad school next semester has completely shifted my focus. I definitely feel a peace about my decision; thus, I feel about a thousand pounds lighter than I did two weeks ago. But I also feel very strange.
In a way, school is a comfort zone to me. It is something I have always done, and something I have always been good at (minus statistics my junior year of college, but that is irrelevant at this point). With graduate school came an instant internship, set up by someone other than me, which would have allowed me to put off looking for full-time employment for another two years. With graduate school came a class schedule already set up for me, with very little free time included.
Now that graduate school is out of the picture, I am free as a bird! And let me just say this about being free as a bird: It is scary.
I have applied for at least twenty jobs, probably more, over the course of the past two weeks. That, in and of itself, takes a person through a whirlwind of emotions: excitement; nervousness; incompetency; inferiority; empowerment; happiness; disappointment; uncertainty... The list goes on.
Life is just so full of possibilities.
Life is so full of potential and promise.
This photo, from here, just made me smile.
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